Lyme Disease
Stem Cell Therapy for Lyme Disease
Stem Cell Therapy for Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease is an infectious or bacterial disease caused due to the bite of infected ticks. Within a few minutes, the body starts reacting to the bite causing cardinal symptoms. In severe cases, the infection can cause degeneration in the central nervous system. Stem Cell Therapy for Lyme Disease is an innovative treatment option to reverse the damage to CNS cells and structures due to infection. Moreover, Stem Cell Therapy still requires a bit of patience, research, and ethical considerations to be practiced around the globe.
About Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease (LD) is a bacterial disease caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium. The transmission of the bacteria is usually through tick bites which relate to the Ixodes ricinus genus. Lyme Disease can occur differently, but the initial symptom of this disease is redness of the bitten area of the body. The most common targeted areas for Lyme Disease infection can be the central nervous system, skin, heart, and eyes. In the United States, this disease is the most common disease in the vector-borne category.
Population living in hilly or wooded areas is more likely to get this infection. However, households raising domestic animals are also at higher risk for its development.
The most common and evident cause is bacteria known as Borrelia Burgdorferi, which transmits through humans via tick bites. This transmission may become successful when immature or adult ticks infected with the bacteria bite humans. Humans can barely detect these bites because immature ticks are less than 2 mm in size. However, adult ticks are easily detectable on the body, so, it is better to fly them off if seen on the body.
The most active period for the transmission of this disease and reproduction of ticks is in the winter season.
LD symptoms may appear within 3 to 30 days of the infection or bite.
The most common symptoms are:
Headaches, fever, tremors, joint/muscle pain, and lymph node swelling
Bull’s eye appearance of erythema migraines (red rash) at the site of infection or bite
In unattended cases or severity of infection, you can experience:Swelling and pain in the larger joints of the body
Dizziness and palpitations
Severe neck stiffness and headaches due to inflammation of the cerebral area
Facial paralysis
Lesions in body joints and other areas
Sever and intermittent pain in joints, which can also be recurrent
Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome in patients may experience recurrent symptoms even after the antibiotic treatment. The actual cause of this syndrome is still unknown.
The Treatment Journey
Treatment of Lyme Disease starts with a few confirmatory or diagnostic blood tests. After the diagnosis of the disease, antibiotic therapy is the most convenient and effective way of treatment for Lyme Disease. The prognosis of the treatment can be a few weeks with antibiotic therapy. However, there are still risks of recurrent symptoms even after antibiotic therapy and medications. In severe infection or Lyme Disease, the patient may undergo damage to the body cells, which isn’t treatable with drugs, medications, or antibiotic therapies. Bacteria can sometimes be resistant to medications, which may require other treatment alternatives.
Recent and innovative SCT may help as a potentially excellent alternative for the other treatment options for LD and PTLDS symptoms (Post-Treatment Lyme Disease).
Mesenchymal Stem Cells have exceptional potency for immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties of Stem Cells can positively alter immunity and reduce inflammation to lessen the severity of the symptoms due to Lyme Disease. With the help of the systematic application of stem cells through the IV route, MSCs can travel through the body. After administration, these cells can seek out the symptoms of damaged tissue and inflammation due to related symptoms.
With the help of Stem Cell Therapy for LD, patients can expect:
Reduction in painful symptoms
Regulation in immunity
Assistance in eradicating or eliminate bacterial species such as Borrelia bacteria
With the help of Stem Cell Therapy, 350 diseases due to Lyme Disease can be slowed down and treated. The success rate of SCT for Lyme Disease is directly proportional to the disease duration (acute or chronic), condition of the patient, and patient’s age. In the case of severe cases, treatment will be required more than once.
Neurological Diseases have a high rate of fatality and incapacitation, which prevents the proper functioning of different parts of the brain. Stroke, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease are the most common neurological disorders, which can cause severe damage to brain tissues and cells. The traditional treatment of these diseases consists of endovascular thrombectomy (ET), IV-tPA (intravenous tissue plasminogen activator), and other medications.
One of the modern treatment techniques for Neurological Disorders is the use of Exosomes along with Stem Cell Therapy. According to the research data, exosomes can improve angiogenesis, ischemic boundary zone neurogenesis, neurite remodeling, and synaptic plasticity. Many researchers claim that the conjunction of Stem Cell Therapy and Exosomes can upgrade the functional, tissue levels, and even cellular recovery in individuals with neurological diseases and damages.
Intravenous Mesenchymal Stem Cells, along with Exosomes administration, can help with improved white matter integrity by inducing different responses post-stroke as:
Axonal sprouting
Moreover, Exosomes also enhance the expression of microRNAs such as miR-133b, miR-210, miR-184, and miR-17-92 clusters. These microRNAs have neuroprotective properties, which aid in the good prognosis of the disease.
How is the treatment at The Renue Medical Centre different?
The Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) at The Renue Centre is a holistic approach to treating Lyme Disease.
Your Renue Journey does not end after your last day of SCT. We follow up with you to assert your progress, following four phases:
Pre-treatment: Clinical evaluation, lab test results, and other diagnostic procedures.
You will take our Renue Epigenetic Test powered by TruDiagnostics that will assert your biological age and other important health markers. Your TruDiagnostics test is part of The Renue Difference. It provides your doctor with critical information about your health and your true age (biological vs. chronological). After the epigenetic test and we have received all your medical records, your Patient Advisor will assist you in planning your travel to Puerto Vallarta.Treatment day: Stem Cells obtained from the specific area are then processed to be suitable for administration inside the patient’s body. In case of chronic disease duration, the patient will require more sessions and cells to counter the effects of long-term degeneration in the body. In case of severe disease, the treatment is given in either three consecutive sessions or each session 45-days apart. The number of stem cells administered is also customizable according to the weight, health condition, and age of the patient.
30, 60 & 90 days after the treatment: To check for flare-up frequency and improvements
Six months after treatment: Lab tests, flare-up frequency, clinical evaluation, quality of life, and disease prognosis
Your Treatment Journey
Experience The Renue Difference in Puerto Vallarta
Arrival Day
Upon arrival in Puerto Vallarta, a Renue representative will meet you at the airport in one of our Mercedes vans to transport you to the hotel.
Our representative will quickly review your schedule for the coming days for your peace of mind. Renue makes it worry-free, so don't worry!
You traveled all this way, so would you like to check our list of recommended restaurants? We can make reservations for you to enjoy the great food and warm atmosphere of Puerto Vallarta.
Check out the Renue chauffeur for recommendations, reservations, leisure activities, and your transportation needs.
Day 1. Enjoy The Renue Difference.
A better life starts now!
Count on your Renue Advisor and staff to help you have a pleasant experience. Our Renue chauffeur will pick you up from the hotel and take you to The Renue Medical Centre in the Joya Hospital. Our staff will welcome and assist you at the Centre.
Our staff will check you in at the Centre and take you on a tour of the facilities, including The Renue Laboratory, where your stem cells and exosomes are produced. You will also visit the Hyperbaric Chamber facility, an essential part of The Renue Difference.
After your check-in, our medical associates will proceed with any necessary blood work or tests organized by your Patient Advisor.
After that, you will meet with your doctor to review your file. Then, your doctor will make any adjustments to your treatment schedule submitted by your Renue Patient Advisor.
Once your doctor has reviewed your file, additional testing might be required—for example, X-Rays, MRIs, and others.
After that, you will have your first Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) session.
Following your first treatment session, our Renue chauffeur will return you to your hotel.
Do you have any plans for the evening? Or maybe you would need a chauffeur?
Remember that relaxation can improve your health, too. Ask our Renue chauffeur for suggestions. They know the places to go in Puerto Vallarta.
Day 3 and 4. You're almost done.
The third and fourth Hyperbaric sessions make a difference!
Our Renue chauffeur will pick you up according to the schedule and take you to The Renue Centre.
Your scheduled treatment will start as soon as you arrive.
Then, after your treatment and second Hyperbaric Chamber session, the Renue chauffeur will return you to the hotel.
Your Renue Journey allows you to explore all that Puerto Vallarta has to offer.
Ask our Renue Concierge for suggestions, and remember to enjoy yourself.
Are you going to miss us?
Don't forget our follow-up treatments. Talk to your Patient Advisor:
Day 2. Now you're a pro!
Treatment Day & Second Hyperbaric Session
Our Renue chauffeur will pick you up according to the schedule and take you to The Renue Centre.
The medical team will welcome you and start your treatment for Lyme Disease as soon as you arrive:
250 Million Stem Cells IV*
25 Million Intrathecal*
16 Billion Exosomes*
*The actual quantity of Stem Cells depends on the patient’s body weight and the severity of the disease.
Then, after your treatment and second Hyperbaric Chamber session, the Renue chauffeur will return you to the hotel.
Puerto Vallarta is a beautiful place; we suggest you don't miss out and enjoy your stay. You know it: ask our Renue chauffeur for suggestions and have fun!
Day 5. Departure or extended stay?
It's not over yet.
Our Renue chauffeur will pick you up from the hotel. Then, they will take you to the airport or another treatment according to your schedule.
However, maybe you would like to extend your stay and your wellness holiday because Puerto Vallarta is stunning!
Talk to our Renue chauffeur. Our team will contact you to confirm all details: tours, restaurants, and other treatments you would like to have.
30, 60 & 90 days post-treatment follow-up: Lyme Disease symptoms clinical evaluation, flare-up frequency, and lab test results.
Six months post-treatment follow-up: Lyme Disease symptoms clinical evaluation, flare-up frequency, lab test results, X-ray report, and review of the diagnostic criteria.
Significance of Hyperbaric Chambers post-treatment:
Three sessions of Hyperbaric Chambers are given to the patients after the treatment to:
Decrease the concentration of anaerobic bacteria, which are the main culprits for causing Lyme disease
Anaerobic bacteria, which are resistant to different medications, cannot survive in rich oxygen environments; hyperbaric chambers are the only way out for these bacteria
With the administration of new stem cells, disease-causing agents also need to be killed and excreted out of the body. Therefore, hyperbaric chambers can cause these bacteria to die
Increase the production of stem cells through the proliferation of cells. Decrease the inflammation via generating new blood vessels and letting the blood circulate properly throughout the body
Increase the arterial pressure of O2 (oxygen), enhance oxygen content, and stabilize the blood-brain barrier
Mobilize the stem cells recently administered inside the body
Reduce the events of inflammation and swelling
Expected Results
SCT to live a better life: Benefits and outcomes
The effectiveness of Stem Cell Treatment can improve all your symptoms, causing a considerable impact on your quality of life and daily activities.
As part of The Renue Difference, you will receive three Hyperbaric Chamber sessions that greatly improve SCT efficacy and stimulate the body cells to combat Lyme Disease (LD). These sessions comprise three days: one day before treatment, after treatment, and on the day of treatment.
According to results, clinical outcomes, and pre and post-treatment observations, SCT has been shown to help
Reduce LD progression
Speed up tissue repair
Regrow and repair tissues after six months
After the SCT procedure, an MRI test depicts the further need for the treatment at a specific body site.
Talk to our Patient Advisor to learn more about SCT at The Renue Centre.
Expected results and prognosis:
Expected result 1: Immediate control of associated symptoms of the LD post-treatment and improvement of the body rash
Expected result 2: Less sleeping disturbances, swelling of lymph nodes, improvement in joint pain and swelling, and decrease in the frequency of severe headaches
Expected result 3: A more satisfying prognosis with improved life quality, less fatigue, and energetic feeling, fewer chances of recurrent symptoms of the disease
Generally, Stem Cell Therapy has a satisfactory safety profile, good prognosis, and effectiveness.
However, no medical procedure is 100% safe; the most frequent or common risk factors of SCT can be:
Pain around the injection area
Bleeding from site of injection
Allergic reactions
Lethargy and fatigue
Allergic reactions are preventable through pre-injection history and care. Moreover, anti-anaphylaxis drugs and Stem Cells Therapy can also be given to reduce the chances of allergic reactions in the patients. Fever, lethargy, and pain are managed through the appropriate drugs along with the treatment. Bleeding and swelling of the injured site are manageable via proper technique.
The benefits and effects of Stem Cell Therapy depend on several factors: the patient's health condition, underlying issues, lifestyle, and others. To assess your expected results, we would like to know more about you. A medical advisor will talk to you about your diagnosis and treatment options and collect information for the attending physician; they can answer all your initial questions:
Will the therapy work for my case?
What does the treatment involve? Is it painful?
Is it expensive? How much does it cost?
Start your Wellness Journey!
Click on the button below to book a consultation to answer your questions and discuss your medical history, your treatment journey, and your goals.